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Nicola Matteis


Allemande imitatione d'un tartaglia

Aria ad imitatione della trombetta

Bizzarie All'Imor Scozzeze

Diverse Bizarrie Sopra de Vecchia Sarabanda O Pur Ciaccona

Diverse bizzarie sopra la vecchia sarabanda o pur Ciaccona from the Suite in C major

Divisions on a Ground in D minor


Fantasia in D minor

Fantasia in G minor

Ground After the Scotch Humour

Il Russignolo


Passagio Rotto

Pavana Armoniosa

Sarabanda amorosa, Suite in A minor

Ayres for the Violin Suites & Sonatas Vol II: SOnata in F major: Gavotta con Divisioni

Ayres for the Violin, Book 1: Diverse bizzarrie sopra la vecchia sarabanda ò pur ciaccona

Ayres for the Violin, Book 1: Ricercata in C Major

Ayres for the Violin, Book I: Aria spagnuola a due corde

Ayres for the Violin, Book I: Passagio rotto. Andamento veloce –

Ayres for the Violin, Book I: Passagio rotto. Fantasia

Ayres for the Violin, Book I: Suite in A minor, I. Preludio

Ayres for the Violin, Book IV: Suite in A major: II. Andamento con divisione

Ayres for the Violin, Book IV: Suite in A major: III. Aria

Ayres for the Violin, Book IV: Suite in D minor: III. Grave

Ayres for the Violin, Book IV: Suite in D minor: IV. Ground in D minor, la sol re per fa la mano

Ayres for the Violin, Book IV: Suite in E minor: Aria amorosa: Adagio

Ayres for the Violin, Book IV: Suite in E minor: II. Passaggio a solo / V. Fuga a due corde / VII. Ground

Ayres for the Violin: Andamento malinconico

Ayres for the Violin: Preludio in ostinatione

Diverse Bizarrie Sopra La Vecchia Sarabanda Ò Pur Ciaccona

Giga: Al Genio Turchesco

Sett of Ayres for the Guitar: Adagio

Sett of Ayres for the Guitar: Aria

Sett of Ayres for the Guitar: Preludio

Sett of Ayres in D Minor: (Andante) - prestissimo - adagio

Sett of Ayres in D Minor: Aria con divisione

Sett of Ayres in D Minor: Preludio - adagio

Sett of Ayres in D Minor: Prestissimo

Sett of Ayres in D: Adagio

Sett of Ayres in D: Arioso

Sett of Ayres in D: Fuga - prestissimo

Sett of Ayres in D: Jigg - prestissimo

Sett of Ayres in D: Preludietto - brisk

Sett of Ayres in E: Aria amorosa - adagio

Sett of Ayres in E: Bizzararrie sopra un basso matinconico

Sett of Ayres in F: Gavotta con divisiono

Sett of Ayres in F: Preludio - prestissimo

Sett of Ayres in F: Sarabanda - adagio

Sett of Ayres in G: Aria burlesca

Sett of Ayres in G: Ostinatione

Sett of Ayres in G: Preludio

Sett of Ayres in G: Sarabanda

Sett of Ayres: Aria burlesca con molto bizzarie

Sett of Ayres: Aria presto

Sett of Ayres: Giga al genio Turchescho

Sett of Ayres: Preludio

Sett of Ayres: Sarabande

Suite in C minor: Aria - Adagio / Presto

Suite in G major: I. Preludio

Suite in G major: II. Musica/Grave

Suite in G major: III. Sarabanda

Suite in G major: IV. Aria Burlesca

Suite in G major: V. Capriccio

Suite in G major: VI. Giga Al Genio Turchesco

2 Fantasias for Violin: No. 2 in A Minor "Alia Fantasia"

Sett of Ayres: The Lass of Peatie's Mill

The False Consonances of Musick: Ayres for Guitarre in G major: I. Preludio

The False Consonances of Musick: Ayres for Guitarre in G major: II. Ayre

The False Consonances of Musick: Ayres for Guitarre in G major: III. Giga

The False Consonances of Musick: Ayres for Guitarre in G major: IV. Ayre

The False Consonances of Musick: Ayres for Guitarre in G major: V. Giga